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Discover 70 years of computer gaming history with more than 300 exhibits at the Computer Games Museum in Berlin. Learn interesting facts about the development of computer games, and try out numerous games and arcade machines.
Visit Europe’s first Computer Games Museum in Berlin and discover 60 years of computer gaming history with more than 300 exhibits. You’ll find everything here including the legendary Pong arcade machine, Nimrod, PainStation, the Giant Controller, 3D games, as well as dance and movement games.
In the Wall of Hardware, you can discover the favorite machines from various generations, from the Commodore to Game & Watch to the Playstation. Just around the corner there is a small amusement arcade with coin-operated machines such as Donkey Kong and Space Invaders.
Explore the milestones in the development of computer games with 52 highlights of famous games such as Pacman, Bomb Jack, and Grand Theft Auto IV. You can also experience the exciting world of 3D games on a 3D television or with the handheld 3DS.